Unit-2, IT-402 Solved (Class 10 CBSE) Unit 2 – Web Applications (Basics) Session 1 - WORKING WITH ACCESSIBILITY OPTIONS 1. The option in Microsoft Windows XP used for helping users with physical disabilities and to reduce repetitive strain is Accessibility option . 2. Sound Sentry is designed to help users with auditory impairments. 3. The High Contrast option in Microsoft Windows XP is designed to assist people with vision impairments. 4. Serial Keys is designed to assist people that have difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse. Session 1 – NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS 1. The acronym for LAN is Local Area Network . 2. Three types of Wired Internet Connectivity are Dial-Up , DSL & Cable Internet Access . 3. Three types of Wireless Internet Connectivity are 3G , WIMAX &...